Direct Stock Purchase and Sale, and Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Ryder System, Inc. makes available to its registered shareholders and interested first time investors a direct purchase and sale, and dividend reinvestment plan for shares of Ryder common stock. The plan is sponsored and administered by Ryder's stock transfer agent, EQ Shareowner Services. The plan offers a convenient and cost effective way to buy and sell shares of Ryder's common stock. Plan participants are responsible for enrollment and transaction fees and costs.
To register your account online, go to the EQ Shareowner Services website.
For information regarding direct stock purchase, sale and dividend reinvestment plan for Ryder shares, go to the EQ Shareowner Services website.
For questions pertaining to stock ownership, (i.e., stock splits, redemptions, lost certificates, etc.) and the Shareowner Service Plus Plan for direct stock purchases, sales and dividend reinvestments, please contact:
1-866-927-3884 (U.S.)
651-450-4064 (International)
Automated System
Customer Service Customer Service - 7:00am - 7:00pm CT, Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)
EQ Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 64874
St. Paul, MN 55164-0874
1110 Centre Point Curve, Suite #101
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-4100
Shareholder Services, Transfer Agent & Registrar
For questions pertaining to stock ownership, (i.e., stock splits, redemptions, lost certificates, etc.) and the direct stock purchases, sales and dividend reinvestments, please go to the EQ Shareholder Services Website:
P.O. Box 64854
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You can reach us by email at [email protected], or by telephone at 1-305-500-4053.
For inquiries regarding individual stock holdings, dividend payments and Ryder's Dividend Reinvestment Plan, please contact EQ Shareholder Services at (800) 401-1957 or online.
Vice President - Investor Relations
[email protected]
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